The Sutter Home

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The End of Our Summer

We had a very busy and fun summer! Our days consisted of playdates around Green Bay, hanging out at home, and playing at Auntie's house with Mycah, Mya, and their neighbor boys, Lincoln and Marshall. Adelyn is at an age where she is very independent and likes to do her own thing. She keeps us on our toes everday. She is full of energy, laughter, and even a little sassiness too! It is amazing to listen to the things she has to say. Unfortunetly, this summer she decided she no longer wants to take naps or go to bed before 9:00! There is something to be said for going back to school and getting our routine back! :)

Addy's Playhouse

Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Mike wanted to give Addy a playhouse. So Grandpa and Daddy are building the ultimate playhouse in the backyard. They are finishing it up with siding and working on the windows. Addy is so excited for it to be finished.

Checkin on Daddy and Grandpa's quality craftsmanship! :)

The DeYoung Family Zoo

Yesterday we traveled to the Upper Peninsula to the DeYoung Family Zoo. It was incredible! Instead of concrete and a long distance seperating you from the animals, it is two fences. Addy got to pet a baby raccoon and monkey and also feed a hippo. We also witnessed "Big Cat Feeding Time". We got to watch the lions, tigers, and hyenas as they received their lunch.

Before we left, Addy got a new stuffed animals. Here she is all smiles as her new tiger meets her old friend cheetah. :)

Packer Practice

Adelyn and Mycah went down to Lambeau Field
and got high-fives from the Packer players as they rode on bikes to practice.


They were both super excited!

Bay Beach with the Boys

Addy and her best buddy Marsh! :)

Adelyn yelling Yee-Haa!

Spending time with Cadence

Sand and water table

Watching an outdoor movie on the deck

Visiting the Green Bay Botanical Garden on Kid's Day

Play-doh fun

Body art- ?

Vising the NEW Zoo with Mommy and Daddy

Checking out the turtles and monkeys

Swimming in her pool on the deck

Watching a movie at Grandma and Grandpa's house with Mya

Monday, May 30, 2011


It has been so long since I have posted last! The time has been flying by and we have been keeping busy. Here are a few of the things we have been doing the last few months.

Adelyn visited Kidz Town with some school friends

Addy went to the Shriner's Circus with mommy, daddy, Grandma Cindy and Mycah

We visited the Building for Kids. Of course, Addy went for the water room as soon as we arrived. She managed to only be a little wet by the time she was done. :)

Our future fire fighter

Adelyn loves reading books. She likes to read to mommy, daddy,

and her stuffed animals and babies.

Blueberry face

Friday, April 22, 2011

Mya Marie Beckett

It is wonderful to be an auntie again! Here she is- introducing Mya Marie Beckett! She was born on Saturday, April 9th at 4:50 pm. She weighed 9 lb. and was 20.5 inches. She looks just like Mycah did as a newborn.

1 day old in the hospital

Little sweet pea

Mya will not last much longer in these newborn clothes! :)

Mycah loves being a big brother!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Growing Up Fast!

I went to New Orleans to attend a conference put on by the National Association of Bilingual Education for 4 days. When I came back on Saturday, Adelyn seemed so grown up! She is talking up a storm and putting together multiple word sentences. This afternoon she took a nap and when I went in to get her, she had one leg up over the side of her crib and she was close to falling out! Needless to say, she now has a big girl bed! It will be interesting to see how many times she gets up tonight. If she is any thing like me when I was small, she is going to give us a run for our money (right Grandma Cindy)! Let the games begin! :)

Using Great Grandma Sutter's quilt for the first time

Here Addy is excitedly practicing sleeping in her new bed!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Hard to Say Goodbye

Happy 93rd Birthday Grandma Keegan!
We love you so much and we will truly miss you!

We hold so many wonderful memories in our hearts!

Great Grandma Keegan, Mycah and Addy
So glad Adelyn cooperated for this picture!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Super Bowl Bound

Addy is ready for the Super Bowl!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Terrific to Be Two

Adelyn officially turned two last week on Wednesday! We can't believe our baby girl is already two! She is growing up so fast! Grandma Jerrilyn, Grandpa Dennis, Grandma Cindy, Grandpa Mike and the Brennan's were able to join us for Addy's birthday party, despite the terrible snow storm. Auntie, Uncle Tyler, Mycah and Grandpa Mike were able to join us on Adelyn's actual birthday on the 15th. Addy was even thrown a little birthday party at daycare.

Celebrating with Grandpa and Auntie

Mr. Mycah

Addy's birthday ice cream and cookies

Waiting to blow out her candles

Addy was so excited about her sled, she thought she would practice riding in it with daddy!

Playing with her computer on her new art table

Playing with her babies in the new high chairs

Celebrating with Reid and Cadence

My Uncle David made a beautiful family tree puzzle for Addy. It has pictures of both sets of grandparents, Adam and I, and Addy. Thanks David!

Addy's "cawcolate" birthday cake