Another Landscaping Weekend
This weekend we had tons of help finishing up the front and backyard. Thanks to my parents, Adam's parent, Tyler and Tony we were able to finish by Saturday afternoon. The pictures below show the four different areas in the backyard where Adam removed the sod.
(right hand side of the backyard)
(right corner of the backyard)
(middle of the backyard)
(left hand side of the backyard)
About a month later, we picked out perennial plants and shrubs and planted them around the yard. This weekend Adam and his dad hauled mulch and spread it around each section. Now we have a border of landscaping surrounding the back and side lot lines.
The back and frontyard are complete with landscaping. It was a long process, but well worth it. Now we just have to wait for everything to grow and fill in the spaces. More pictures of the frontyard to come!
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