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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Before and After

This is what the front of the house looked like prior to the start of our project. No, those are not plants in the flower beds, they are weeds. :)

We started our landscaping project on Saturday morning and ran into our first problem before 10:00 a.m. We discovered a nest of 6 baby bunnies in one of our flower beds. We took them to the Wilderlife Sanctuary where they will be raised. We were told they were only eight days old.

We finished our project at about 5:30 and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Beckett's house. On day one, Adam and I (mostly Adam) shoveled and dumped 4 yards of black dirt into the two flower beds. Adam also dug out around the address pillar and got it ready to go so electricity can be ran to it in the future.

Today we planted all of the plants in the flower beds and also along the address pillar. The final step will be to put on the caps around the flower beds and fill everything in with mulch. That is for another weekend though.

All in all, it was a very productive weekend. The next big project is to work on the backyard.


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